Why do we lie?

Lying can take on many colors and be expressed in different ways…

The reasons for lying

What is behind lying? Where do these fears come from that prevent us from having full integrity and how can we do otherwise?

Since fears have become too important for human beings in our society, as they have distanced themselves from their true nature, lies have found a niche to express themselves to the detriment of both parties: the one who lies and the one who is lied to…

What fears are we talking about? Fear of being rejected, fear of violence, fear of not being ourselves, etc…

So what can we do? Remaining ourselves, in all integrity, with courage and discernment as our companions, will help us to rediscover our true nature and to find the strength within not to call upon lies anymore.

Teach children how to stop lying?

The intention behind a lie
The intention behind a lie

Why do children use lies? The main reason is fear: to protect themselves, fear of disappointing family and friends, to hide their shame, fear of being who they really are. The intention determines the extent and the color of the lie.

Consequences of lying
Consequences of lying

Lying is like a mask that allows us to appear differently than who we really are. The risk is that children may believe in their own lie and even a greater risk is to lose themselves and the trust of others, parents or friends.

The courage to be himself
The courage to be himself

Educating children by encouraging them to accept themselves, to face the consequences of their actions with courage : having faith in life, trusting those around them and thus projecting themselves forward into a happier life.

Discover the virtues in opposition to lies


How do you live with integrity?


Learning discernment transforms life

Use our games to help children understand and demystify lying

A great gift for our children would be if, from an early age, they were able to develop a vocabulary related to Discernment and its counterpart, Lying. The Discernment card text is a good guide for thinking about this topic and incorporating it through play.

For example, you can separate the passion cards from the other cards in the VirtHU, Karma Buster or Kahuna games and set them aside. At the beginning of the week, you draw a “passion” card that you place on the fridge and, throughout the week, the family members pay particular attention to how they live this passion on a daily basis. Then you plan a nice family sharing followed by a wonderful card game. A good habit to consider for the improvement of family relationships. Hence our slogan “Enhancing life, one game at a time!”

Playing HulaHU card games is all about understanding the sources of our sensitivities, getting to know ourselves better and developing our faith in life. And so much more, all one game at a time.

Testimony about Lying


Q: Gaston, just how much of what we say can actually be a lie to ourselves.


A: Lying is a passion or a vice that allows us to take a good look at ourselves. At the age of 19, I had the opportunity to live on a Native American reservation. During one of these ceremonies, one of the shamans asked me to climb on a metal barrel so I could better observe the crowd singing and dancing. Then he asked me to tell him what I was seeing. After a few moments he said, “Tell me about what you see in the people you observe? What do you see in them?”


I began to describe everything I saw. After expressing all these things, he said, “If you were truly honest with yourself, you would observe all this in yourself. The fear of being yourself doesn’t allow you. Instantly I was moved by this realization and a sharp sadness arose. Then I asked, “Tell me how can I become honest with myself? He replied, “Dare to listen to what you say, practice this daily and you will discover who you really are.” He repeated this sentence 3 times so that I could integrate it very well. “When I talk about you, I talk about myself; how can you not understand.” Then he left, me perched on that barrel, overcome with a deep desire to see in myself how honest I could be by simply listening to what I express every day.


Yes, in children there is a magic phrase that reveals it all: ” the one who says is the one who is!” Encouraging children to become honest with themselves is a journey that improves every day as we discover how much of what we express can actually be a lie to ourselves.”